Wednesday, February 6, 2013

True love

I was going to save this post till closer to Valentine's Day, but seeing various posts on Facebook I thought today is appropriate.

Being a photographer means you see a lot of unique and interesting things in life.  Paul and I have seen  millions of images from all over the world. To be honest, it takes a lot for something to really move us on a deep emotional level.  I guess we aren't the kind of people who could go to a museum and cry over a sculpture of a #2 pencil.  In 2012, we took a photo that touched our hearts on level that I personally didn't think was possible.

This couple lost their child very shortly after his birth to the world.  When the time came to take this shot, I wanted to do a photo that would truly show that true love will endure anything.  After I took this shot, I remember looking down into the cameras LCD screen and nearly tearing up.  Life is short, and you never know when events are going to happen to try and derail you. This couple took the unimaginable and turned it into inspiration for everyone they touch.   I just hope that when I have kids one day, that I will be as strong.  Not only are these individuals clients, but they are friends and both Paul and I wish them Godspeed.

This couple is currently opening their hearts and hoping to adopt in the near future.

Paul & Greg
Please like us on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. <3 Thank you P&G. This picture sums up a lot for Chaisson and I. We have it all over our house, it is such a great reminder on those hard days that we are still a family, even though we don't have our son here with us. Thank you again, this picture to us is priceless.
